We recognize that most of our best growth comes from simply doing LIFE together! During this season, we have broken up life groups by age bracket simply to get people together that are in the same season of life. We would love for you to be a part! Let us get you plugged in with your LIFE Group leader! Register today!
Summit Kids LIFE Group
K-5th Grade Zoom Call
Last Tuesday each month
Time: 6PM
Location: Online
Leader: Emily Wood
Sign Up: Here
Avalanche LIFE Group
Avalanche LIFE Group
6th Grade - 12th Grade
3rd Friday of the Month
Time: 6PM
Location: FWC
Leader: Forrest & Megan McConnell
Sign Up: Here
Young LIFE Group
Young LIFE Group
Ages 18-29
3rd Monday of the Month
Time: 6PM
Location: Hayes Home
Leader: Colton & Kenzie Hayes
Sign Up: Here
J.O.Y. LIFE Group
J.O.Y. LIFE Group
Ages 50+
1st Saturday of the Month
Time: 4PM
Location: Rogers Home
Leader: Mike & Linda Rogers
Sign Up: Here
Family LIFE Group
Family LIFE Group
Ages 30-49
3rd Friday of the Month
Time: 6PM
Location: Wood Home
Leader: Josh & Emily Wood
Sign Up: Here
Springer LIFE Group
Springer LIFE Group
Ages: Location Specific
3rd Wednesday of the Month
Time: 6PM
Location: Chavez Home
Leader: Robert & Debbie Chavez
Sign Up: Here